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L551 operates westward through the relocated station Ash, Mile 38.8 Halton Sub. via a new #20 turnout and colour light signals. L551 is operating on the north track of the double track realignment and diversion tracks between Mile 38.8 and Mile 41.00 Halton Sub.. Portions of the former single track, #20 turnout at the former Ash (Mile 39.5) and double track can be seen on the right (north side) where the diversion track swings left (south). Aligned to the south, the diversion tracks rejoin the existing Halton Sub. alignment on the west side of the former Lower Baseline Road crossing at grade at approximately Mile 41.00. The track and signal changes are associated with the construction of the CN Milton Logistics Hub.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Terry O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: L551 operates eastward through the relocated station Ash, Mile 38.8 Halton Sub. via a new #20 turnout and colour light signals. L551 is operating on the north track of the double track realignment and diversion tracks between Mile 38.8 and Mile 41.00 Halton Sub.. Portions of the former single track, #20 turnout at the former Ash (Mile 39.5) and double track can be seen on the right (north side) where the diversion track swings left (south). Aligned to the south, the diversion tracks rejoin the existing Halton Sub. alignment on the west side of the former Lower Baseline Road crossing at grade at approximately Mile 41.00. The track and signal changes are associated with the construction of the CN Milton Logistics Hub.

Terry O'Shell [162] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/13/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4713 (search)
Train Symbol: L551 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Ash, Halton, Sub., Mile 38.8 (search)
City/Town: Milton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53485
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Photo ID: 52173

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  1. This is going to be an interesting location to watch as development progresses. Nice lighting !!!

  2. One would think double-track through to Milbase can’t be far down the line. There’s nowhere to hide a train when the yard is plugged.

  3. Wow that sure looks different. Would be interested to see a shot of a longer train here.

  4. I’m surprised they didn’t install the hardware for the 2′nd main track that will go to “Derry” as it’s part of the plans to be laid in the not too distant future…

  5. That’s a nice shot to capture the progress through here. I have a question. The Halton Sub is timetable east/west so wouldn’t 551 be heading timetable eastbound (ie towards Milton) ? Ultimately, does that mean the diversion track crosses Lower Base Line geographically east of the old crossing ? TIA for any comments.

  6. Aitch, so much for my proof reading and repeating back. Thank you for catching this. You are correct L551 is proceeding “eastward”. Good thing I wasn’t copying an operating authority on track at the time.

    Track diversion is geographically east (northeast) of the former Lower Baseline.

    I’ll ask the moderators to correct to “eastward”

    Thanks to all for the comments.

  7. Terry: looking forward to more shots from this vantage point as the scene changes. :-)

  8. is this a temporary allignment?

  9. Probably temporary to an extent but the mainline is supposed to wrap around the yard once it’s complete.

  10. Stephen, thank you for making the correction.

  11. They ruined this location for nothing.
    Millions of dollars wasted.

  12. How do you figure that, Alex? The project is delayed by politics, but it will be built. There’s a reason they’re doing all the work on Tremaine Rd, including ramps to the 401.

  13. They’ll just add more conditions. Maybe a few walls so the houses within sight of the terminal can’t see what’s happening inside so they don’t get all ‘upset’ and call the ‘mayor’ about the terminal he knew was going in there for the last 30 years…

    (If you can’t tell i’m being very sarcastic but it may just become reality)

    @alex but we all got our shots, as long as we have them we can move to other locations. There’s still lots of great ones like Stewwarttown and Milbase/Mansewood.

  14. BTW the old “ash” sign went missing and I am hoping it went to a good home and not in the dumpster somewhere..

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